Do you want to enter motherhood with confidence and intention?

You’re in the right place.

I’m a certified coach, community builder, and mother. Through individual & group coaching and discussion groups, I provide encouraging support, honest guidance, and tangible tips to quiet the noise of new parenthood and ensure new mothers get the postpartum experience they want.

Consider this your guide to a thriving 4th trimester.

Most postpartum resources are about what you need to buy or how to care for your newborn (both very important!) — not all the *other* things you need to do to build and transition into a thriving postpartum life. Once your baby is born, you may find yourself with a fully stocked nursery, but you haven’t *really* thought about what’s next and how to take care of yourself.

You may be wondering about the straightforward things — like setting up a 529 College Savings plan, ordering a birth certificate or updating your will — or the bigger picture — what’s life going to look like when your partner returns to work? How will you maintain your pre-baby passions? What obstacles will make it harder for you to achieve your vision of life as a parent of young children? What even is your vision?

I help streamline postpartum to do’s, clarify postpartum goals, and work with women to navigate new parenthood with ease.

The postpartum period is the wild wild west of information.

“Postpartum” - as a unique phase of motherhood is experiencing increasing visibility and attention across the internet. A lot of that information is AWESOME.

But it can also be overwhelming! And not necessarily what you’re looking for (in fact, a lot of times, the phrase “postpartum” is used synonymously with “postpartum depression”).

If you find yourself confused about what resources to actually rely on, and overwhelmed by the never-ending supply of Instagram videos, parenting blogs, and pieces of advice — you are in good company!

Streamline. Simplify. Rediscover.

(1) Postpartum Coaching

I provide one-on-one coaching for expecting and new mothers seeking holistic support in planning for their 4th trimester transition (including returning to work). I help simplify the complex ecosystem of postpartum providers, peel back the conflicting opinions and others’ expectations, and help you develop and live out you OWN postpartum plan.

Learn more about 1:1 coaching here.

(2) Join a Discussion Group

Connect with other women in a similar phase by joining a virtual discussion group. Current groups include those for mothers who work in public service and other mission-driven careers.

(3) Postpartum Checklist

If you’re new here (and to parenthood), the Postpartum Checklist is a good first stop. Most postpartum to do lists refer to the “Essentials” you need to buy for recovery. Even those that are more comprehensive are often just about the first few weeks, not the full scope of things like financial planning and planning for return to work. The Postpartum Checklist can help give you piece of mind that you aren’t completely forgetting any crucial items.

But really, the “to do’s” are just the beginning. If you want to enter motherhood with next level intention and confidence — building your community and receiving one-on-one coaching - are great ways to give yourself a foundation of support. (If you’re pregnant and want a complete checklist for each trimester + postpartum, you can find one here.)

(4) Additional Postpartum Resources

And while you may be grappling with some of the big questions (like “how do I handle the stress of being responsible for another human being”?!), you may also have some simple questions and want a trusted resource. You can find Commonly Asked Questions about postpartum to do’s along with accompanying resources about key postpartum topics including pelvic floor health, financial planning for new parents, paperwork for your child, parental benefits & more.

Do you want a FREE comprehensive postpartum checklist to help you stay on top of things?