What is postpartum coaching?

Postpartum coaches help guide and support new moms in identifying specific life challenges, working towards solutions, and gaining insights along the way, especially those that arise in the post-baby life transition. They may also refer you to other providers and connect you with resources. Above all, they are empathetic and understanding accountability partners.

How does my coaching work?

When you book a session, I will send you a brief form to fill out before our session, outlining your goals for postpartum coaching. Generally, our first session can take one of three forms: concrete planning for the first few weeks after you give birth (talking through your preferences for things like visitors, feeding, sleeping arrangements, etc); general “postpartum prep” - like a childbirth class but focused on the months after childbirth (discussing things like what providers you may want to see; financial planning for new parents; what you need to do to receive parental leave benefits; plan for return to work etc.); , or more big picture life coaching for your post-baby life (including things like your career, identity, relationships, daily habits etc.).

You may choose just a single planning session, or a longer term personalized program up to 6 months.

My coaching is appropriate for both pregnant and postpartum women and will be tailored to your specific goals.

If you’re unsure or would like to learn more, feel free to set up a free consultation!

What you get:

  • Individualized support through 55-minute coaching sessions

  • Free access to a fillable, online version of the Ultimate Postpartum Checklist 

  • Regular text check-ins during your first few weeks postpartum

  • Email and text support as needed

If you want to quiet the noise of parenting blogs, social media influencers, and others’ expectations, and instead hone in your own vision of motherhood, you can!


I think I can handle new motherhood on my own, or at least want to try. Is it really worth the investment?

You absolutely can handle new motherhood, but one of the most common answers to the question of what new moms would have done differently if they could redo their postpartum experience is: “I would have invested in more actual support for myself.”

A recent study showed that less than half (41%) of mothers feel they have enough support during the postpartum period - and what they do receive is centered on newborn care.

The postpartum months, or “fourth trimester” are complicated and unpredictable. And the algorithm that knows exactly how to exacerbate your anxieties doesn’t help.

As you prioritize your baby’s wellbeing (as you should! they definitely need you!), it is nearly impossible to fully attend to your own needs, much less be intentional about creating the life you want. And the algorithm that knows exactly how to exacerbate your anxieties doesn’t help.

The good news?

You can be intentional about staying grounded in your values and goals. Sometimes it just helps to have the space and guidance to do so.

What’s the difference between coaching, therapy, and, postpartum doulas?

While all three aim to improve emotional wellbeing, and they may address silimar topics, there are some key differences.

Coaches work to support individual in working towards their personal and professional goals, while therapists diagnose and treat mental health issues. (Therapists also must meet various state-regulated requirements, both education and experience, while there are no formal certification requirements for coaches. Therapists can also bill insurance and in some cases, prescribe medication - which coaches cannot).

They are not mutually exclusive! You may benefit from a coach, a therapist, or both!

**If you are experiencing mental health challenges and seeking related support, please seek out a mental health provider. You can find some additional resources for how to find a provider on the Mental Health page, and I’m also happy to connect you with professional resources if you need them. I am a huge proponent of therapy for postpartum women.

Doulas, and specifically postpartum doulas, provide emotional and physical support before, during, and after delivery, often in person. Doulas may be with you when you give birth, and may come to your house after to provide education about and assistance with newborn care. They may also help out some around your house with light house-keeping, meal-prepping, or assist during the nighttime hours.

What kinds of topics would we address in postpartum coaching?

Depending on your particular circumstances, we can go through the specifics of the days and weeks following birth and lay out a clear Postpartum Plan for you, so you have all of your to do’s and postpartum preferences in one place, or, we can spend time exploring your vision, goals, fears, hopes, and ideas about your postpartum period. A few examples of topics include:

  • Dealing emotionally with postpartum transition

  • Identity shifts

  • Returning to working

  • Deciding not to return to work

  • Shifting relationship dynamics

  • Reconnection to self

  • Balancing priorities

Ideally, we would cover both the short-term concrete and the bigger picture over the course of several sessions - but that’s up to you!

Can I sign up if I’m pregnant?

Yes! These conversations are useful both when you are pregnant, and after you give birth. For many women (me included!), once you are caring for a newborn, it will be much more difficult to take time/energy to sign up for coaching. So if you think you are someone that could benefit from this service, I recommend getting your foot in the door while you are still pregnant!

How do I know if I would benefit from coaching?

If you want to talk through what to expect in the days and weeks after you return from the hospital, OR

have lots of thoughts, fears, hopes swirling around, but don’t have the motivation to create an action vision board, OR

crave a space where you can talk openly about what you’re experiencing and have a positive, supportive space to explore what’s on your mind, OR

are you overwhelmed by everything on your plate, and could use an accountability partner to check in with you and help guide your postpartum transition…

you’d make a great candidate for coaching!

If you’re still not sure, we can discuss what might work best for you in a free 15-minute consultation.

*If you are a new or soon-to-be father, or interested in attending joint sessions with your partner, please contact me and we can discuss if I’d be a good fit for you!

Do you offer a sliding scale?

It’s important to me that support is accessible to everyone. If you are pregnant or have had a baby in the past 3 months, are seeking coaching services, and the cost is prohibitive, please let me know and I will work with you to find something that works!

Is coaching in person or virtual?

Our initial session will be held virtually, though I will offer in-person coaching sessions in the DMV (Washington, DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia) after our first session.

I’m still not sure. Can you provide more information about what to expect?

Yes! Feel free to reach out to joni@thenextpush.com with any specific questions.

My Qualifications

I am a skilled and spirited facilitator, mentor, community builder, community engagement expert, connector, and organizer. Over the past decade, I’ve designed and led numerous community groups and mutual support groups dedicated to coaching individuals in finding their personal power and achieving both individual and collective goals. Many of these groups focused on uplifting underrepresented voices and building more equitable and just communities. I stand firmly for inclusivity, and work with people of all gender identities, family compositions, and ability to afford individualized support.

I also had a baby, and decided to leave my full-time non-profit job doing work that I loved and cared about deeply, to embrace a shift in my own life goals. After a decade of work rooted in community, I have found myself directing my focus toward the community of women experiencing life transitions after having children.  

What am I NOT? I am not a health provider or a therapist, and certainly not an “expert” on motherhood!

After I gave birth, I felt two somewhat-conflicting sentiments: 

(1) a need to connect with others who would understand what I was going through, answer my questions, and diminish my sense of loneliness; and

(2) a desire to quiet the noise of mom influencers, other people’s opinions, and all obligations and expectations and just do my own thing.

It can be difficult to navigate the two - feeling such a unique, personal experience while also feeling a deep sense of camaraderie with every stroller-pushing parent you cross on the sidewalk.

My goal with coaching is to satisfy both those needs – to help you feel supported and seen, but also allow you to look internally and be intentional about achieving YOUR goals.

In my sessions, while I will listen and guide, you will ultimately provide direction. Unlike in my experience as a high school girls soccer coach, my goal as a postpartum coach is to let you, the parent, call the shots. In this case (and notably NOT on the soccer field), I believe the parent does know best.

My Simple Goal as a Coach.

I strive to be accessible.

I offer a sliding scale, and will happily find a way to support you regardless of what you are able to pay. Please reach out!