For Employers

Only 64% of working women return to the workforce after having a baby.

And more and more companies are doing something about it. (Don’t take my word for it - see a NYTimes piece about it here).

Investing in your employees as they transition into parenthood benefits everyone.

Parents leave the workforce across all organizational levels.

For some, this is an intentional, preferred choice. But for others, it isn’t.

Rather, it reflects a lack of true support from employers to make the transition back to work successful.

While offering extended parental leave time may not be feasible, employers can show their commitment to supporting and retaining their employees. Doing so ensures they can become even better leaders — clearer on priorities, more productive, more understanding — when they return.

Benefits of New Parent Coaching

More and more companies offer coaching to new parents. It’s a win-win. While the benefits to the employee may be more obvious, holistic and intentional support around the transition from work to parental leave to the return for work provides major benefits to employers as well.

  • It helps retrain talent (it can cost 1-2x an employee’s salary to replace them) and in many cases gender diversity

  • It demonstrates the dedication to a workplace culture that supports working families more broadly

  • It is an attractive benefit to new hires

  • And, it shows employers genuinely care about their employees’ wellbeing and want to put their money where their mouth is.

Less than half (41%) of mothers feel they have enough support during the postpartum period - and what they do receive is centered on newborn care.

Why coaching? If you’re seeking creative ways to support your new parents while also encouraging a return to the office - one-on-one coaching is a high quality offer that may satisfy both. Plus, everyone’s situation is different, their support should be too.

What I offer…

  • Individual coaching sessions before, during, and after parental leave to help plan for the transition, address physical and emotional postpartum challenges, clarify goals, and promote a smooth return to work.

  • Community discussion groups based on industry

  • Resources to help parents manage postpartum responsibilities and make their return to work less daunting.