Looking for more resources?

If you’re like me, you get overwhelmed sifting through all of the websites, blogs, mom influencers etc. to find exactly the information you’re looking for. (In my case, I was super into looking things up during pregnancy and then lost all interest in researching anything in postpartum). I just wanted to the answers. And while Chat GPT can probably distill most of the research these days — here are the main resources I actually use regularly.

Kellymom is a go-to site for everything related to baby-feeding, from how to combination pump, all breastfeeding questions, returning to work, and so much more. They answered SO many of my questions.

Postpartum Support International is one of the best resources for families (with support for both moms and dads) all things postpartum depression, anxiety and birth trauma. They also offer a lot of different types of support groups.

Infant Risk Center is an amazing resource that summarizes all the research and evidence on drugs interactions with breastfeeding. Definitely my first stop before taking a cold med or anything else.

The Breastfeeding Center is a Washington DC-based organization that has great lactation consultants (covered by some insurances!) and classes, but also has an informative blog.

And then a few people I follow on social media who answer a lot of my questions along the way…

Dr. Carrie Pagliano (@carriepagliano on Instagram) - a pelvic floor physical therapist who addresses all the questions you didn’t know you had or were too embarrassed to ask

Dr. Marta Perez (@dr.martaperez on Instagram) - an OB-GYN with amazing Q &As who I want to be friends with

Karrie Locher (@karrie_locher on Instagram) - a nurse and mom with lots of tips and information (so many moms recommended I follow her), I especially appreciate all of her nursing/pumping information

Mae Hughes (@dr.maehughes on Instagram) - also a pelvic floor PT who shares a lot about postpartum exercise

Erin Schlozman (@4th.trimester.wellness on Instagram) - a therapist with all sorts of wisdom about the postpartum experience. Her posts always really hit home

Rachael Shepard-Ohta (@heysleepybaby on Instagram) - normalizes and simplifies all things related to baby sleep (in a non-judgey way)